
Adoption of the Bill of law 8183: modernising the Luxembourg toolbox towards more retailisation

On 11 July 2023, the Luxembourg Parliament has adopted the bill of law 8183 aiming at modernising the Luxembourg investment fund toolbox, by inter alia

  • amending the definition of “well-informed investor” throughout the SIF, SICAR and RAIF laws, lowering the minimum investment threshold of EUR 125,000 to EUR 100,000; 
  • extending the timeframe to reach the minimum capital from 12 months to 24 months for SIFs and RAIFs, and from 6 months to 12 months for Part II funds; 
  • extending the choice of legal forms available for Part II funds, notably introducing the possibility for an SCA and SCS(p); 
  • andintroducing tax incentives for ELTIFs and personal pension products (so-called PEPPs).

 More detailed information on the key amendments can be found in our newsflash published in April 2023. The Conseil d’État will likely grant dispensation to the second vote, which means that, after promulgation of the law, it will be published in the Luxembourg Memorial and will enter into force on the fourth day following its publication.
