CMS Luxembourg

CMS Luxembourg provides premium legal and tax advice in one of the most important financial marketplaces in Europe. With its innovative financial instruments, its successful cooperation between the private and public sectors and its highly skilled workforce, CMS Luxembourg offers many opportunities for the development of your business activities. At CMS Luxembourg, we practise law with the expertise of a big firm but with the personal touch of a smaller organisation. We …

  • Luxembourg (pays)
  • Droit commercial et contrats
  • Droit des sociétés
  • Droit civil
  • Droit fiscal
  • Droit public et administratif
  • Litiges et arbitrage/médiation
  • Propriété intéllectuelle
  • Droit du travail et sécurité sociale
  • Autre matière
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2025: what to expect?

2025: what to expect?

New year 2025, new tax measures

The end of 2024 saw an important increase in tax measures introduced by the new Luxembourg government generally aimed at increasing Luxembourg’s attra…

Upcoming changes to Luxembourg’s minimum wage

The Luxembourg Parliament (Chambre des Députés) unanimously adopted[1] Bill 8459 amending the Labor Code on 12 December 2024. It will enter into force…