Bloom Law


Bloom Law Firm has been formed in 2015 by Michel Maus, Kristof Salomez, Mark Delanote and Denis-Emmanuel Philippe. Bloom distinguishes itself from all other law firms not only by its combination of tax and labour law but also, first and foremost, because its partners, besides their large practical experience, are professors in one or several Belgian universities (University of Ghent, University of Antwerp, VUB, University of Liège). The partners of Bloom are all recognised as authorities in their fields of expertise and guarantee the highest quality standards, in both advisory and litigation work. The associates of Bloom are selected with the highest care, based on their academic credentials and their practical experience.  

 Bloom is a solid partner who offers you a solution for each legal problem and assists you in administrative and judicial proceedings, with creative solutions and arguments. The lawyers of Bloom plead before all Courts, including the Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”/”Hof van Cassatie”), the Constitutional Court (“Cour constitutionnelle”, “Grondwettelijk Hof”) and the Council of State (“Conseil d’Etat”/”Raad van State”)

 In Social law, Bloom has a specific expertise in the areas of dismissal, working time, social penal law, international employment, collective labour law, salary and pensions, social security contributions, false self-employment, health and safety at work, civil servants and social penal law. Bloom deals with matters from the private sector. However, our lawyers have also gained an exceptional expertise in the field of application of social law and the civil servants law in the public and semi-public sector.

 In the field of tax law, Bloom excels at tax litigation and tax fraud. Our lawyers assist taxpayers in their relations with the government (advance tax decisions, conciliation, tax audit, regularization…). Bloom also provide advisory work in a wide array of tax matters, such as international tax planning, corporate reorganizations, salary tax, real estate transactions and estate planning.   

  • Brussels
  • Tax
  • Employment & Social Security
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