BSP is a full service Luxembourg law firm committed to providing the highest quality legal services. With in excess of 50 professionals we offer a wealth of knowledge and experience in all aspects of Luxembourg law. We represent a wide range of clients in matters that cross many areas of law. Considering the fast moving world in which we live and the hostile business environment our clients may face, our experience grows continuously with the needs of our clients and our…

  • Luxembourg (country)
  • Commercial
  • Corporate law
  • Tax
  • Public & administrative law
  • Litigation
  • Intellectual property
  • Employment & Social Security
  • Other
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Pro Bono Luxembourg Association officially launched and Fabio Trevisan appointed as chairman

The founding members are pleased to announce the establishment of a new association in Luxembourg: the Pro Bono Luxembourg Association.

A new Senior Counsel and new promotions at BSP

BSP is pleased to announce the arrival of Françoise Pfeiffer, who has joined the Banking & Finance and Capital Markets department as Senior Couns…

A new Senior Counsel in BSP Litigation department

Javier Garcia Olmedo joins and strengthens the arbitration and litigation practice.