Actualités et articles

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The Sky Is Not the Limit: Space Activities in Luxembourg

At the end of 2020, Luxembourg adopted the Act of 15 December 2020 on space…

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COVID-19: The end of Luxembourg state of crisis – Corporate …

On 29 May 2020, a new draft law n°7605 has been presented to Parliament whi…

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Explication des nouvelles lois, régime et bilan d’application des dispositions légales, état de la jurisprudence : nous livrons des articles de droit ciblés et pratiques sur toute l’actualité juridique.

Ces articles s'adressent à tous les professionnels du droit qui recherchent des informations juridiques pertinentes sur une disposition précise ou souhaitent simplement se tenir au courant de l’actualité législative et juridique.

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Plus d'actualités et d'articles

COVID-19 impact on logistics in Luxembourg: latest developments

In response to the Covid-19 crisis, the Luxembourg Government declared the state of emergency by its regulation of March 18th, 2020, and passed severa…

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Luxembourg introduces new State aid scheme for businesses affected by Covid-19

Following the Luxembourg government’s declaration of a state emergency on 28 March 2020 and as part of the new measures implemented in response to the…

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Law on state aid measures to support companies and self-employed professionals

Luxembourg Parliament has today passed Bill No. 7532 named, “Bill regarding the establishment of a scheme of aid to companies in temporary financial d…

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Back to 2016 -Forward to 2017

To better counter the financing of terrorism and increase transparency, a proposal for a directive amending Directive 2015/849 has been adopted. This …

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Legal Alert | Actualités estivales de l'AML

La perpétuelle évolution du droit luxembourgeois de l’anti-blanchiment ne connaît pas de pause estivale. Les règles du volet préventif de la lutte ant…

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Adoption of the law on electronic archiving by the Chamber of Deputies

Luxembourg is on its way to take a crucial step towards a “paperless office”.  

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Certificates of residence for funds

Circular L.G. - A. n°61 issued on February 12th 2015 (hereafter the "Circular") by the Luxembourg tax authorities (hereafter the "LTA") aims at clarif…

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Luxembourg – Draft law on e-archiving

Long awaited, the draft law on the dematerialisation and preservation of documents is still passing through the adoption process.

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Luxembourg – The Independent Audiovisual Authority of Luxembourg is operational

Created by the law of 27 August 2013, the Independent Audiovisual Authority of Luxembourg ("ALIA") is fully operational. In late October 2014, the Lux…

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AIFMD | ESMA guidelines - Asset segregation

Asset segregation is one of the provisions of more relevance when it comes to depositaries under Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and o…

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Le projet de loi relatif à l’archivage électronique : le Conseil d’Etat lève trois oppositions formelles et en…

En date du 8 octobre 2013, le Conseil d'Etat luxembourgeois rendait un premier avis sur le très attendu Projet de loi relatif à l'archivage électroniq…

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Updated ESMA Q&A On Prospectuses

On 21 October 2014, ESMA published an updated version of its Q&A on prospectuses.

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The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (the "Stock Connect") is a securities trading and clearing program developed by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing …

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Luxembourg Free Zone : Bill on VAT provisions submitted to Parliament

On 1 September 2014, a bill of law n°6713 was submitted to the Luxembourg Parliament (the "Bill"). The Bill aims to amend the Law of 12 February 1979 …

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domain Names in Luxembourg: New procedure for claimants

From 11 June 2013, any person or company alleging that its right to use a ".lu" domain name has been infringed may file a claim with DNS-LU (a service…

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The Luxembourg law of 6 April 2013 on dematerialized securities (the “Law”)

  The Law aims at modernizing, among others, the law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies and the law of 1st August 2001 on the circulation …

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Le renouveau du principe de confiance légitime dans le cadre de la fonction publique luxembourgeoise

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