Actualités et articles

L'endroit idéal pour tout professionnel du droit ou de la fiscalité de s'informer de l'actualité du secteur juridique luxembourgeois

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Pro Bono Luxembourg Association officially launched and Fabio Trevisan appointed as chairman

The founding members are pleased to announce the establishment of a new association in Luxembourg: the Pro Bono Luxembourg Association.

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Luther Luxembourg accueille Claudia Hoffmann en tant qu'associée au sein du département Fonds d…

Le cabinet d'avocats international Luther Luxembourg a le plaisir d'annoncer l’arrivée de Claudia Hoffmann, en qualité d’associée, et de Sascha Wiemann au sein du département F…

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A new Senior Counsel and new promotions at BSP

BSP is pleased to announce the arrival of Françoise Pfeiffer, who has joined the Banking & Finance and Capital Markets department as Senior Counsel, and the promotion of three…

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Luxembourg’s new cross-border mobility regime

Whilst until recently Luxembourg was the only country yet to transpose EU D…

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False medical certificate: stay alert!

The National Health Fund (Caisse Nationale de Santé) recently warned agains…

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Explication des nouvelles lois, régime et bilan d’application des dispositions légales, état de la jurisprudence : nous livrons des articles de droit ciblés et pratiques sur toute l’actualité juridique.

Ces articles s'adressent à tous les professionnels du droit qui recherchent des informations juridiques pertinentes sur une disposition précise ou souhaitent simplement se tenir au courant de l’actualité législative et juridique.

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Plus d'actualités et d'articles

The FASTER Directive introducing new rules for withholding tax procedures formally approved at today’s ECOFIN …

Today, the European and Financial Affairs Council (“ECOFIN”) approved Directive on Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes (hereafter “FAS…

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Part I: The Listing Act - Key Updates to the Prospectus Regulation

On 8 October 2024, the European Council adopted the Listing Act, a significant legislative package designed to make EU capital markets more attractive…

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The European Court of Justice rules on the validity of DAC6

On 29 July 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) issued a judgment upholding various provisions of the Council Directive (EU) 2018…

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DORA’s entry into force is fast approaching : have you updated your it contracts?

Regulation (eu) 2022/2554 of the european parliament and of the council of 14 december 2022 on digital operational resilience for the financial sector…

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Luxembourg District Court applies CJEU decision on VAT and directors’ fees

On 22 November 2024, the Luxembourg District Court ruled that directors’ fees are not subject to VAT, applying the CJEU’s decision of 21 December 2023…

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State of play of different proposals at EU level (Unshell, TP, HOT, FASTER, DAC9, etc.)

In June 2024, the EU Council approved a report to the European Council on tax issues. The report provides an overview of the progress achieved in the …

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Bill of law amending the Payment Services Law and implementing the ICTr Regulation

On 20 November 2024, Bill of Law No 8460 (the “Bill”) was submitted to the Parliament of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (“Luxembourg”). The purpose of …

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New circular on the tax consequences of a dissolution without liquidation

On 19 July 2024, the Luxembourg tax authorities (“LTA”) released a new circular LIR n°170/1, 170bis/1, ICC n°44, Fort. N°5 (“the Circular”) which deal…

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Transmission des procédures pénales : vers une lutte plus efficace contre la criminalité transfrontière

Le règlement relatif à la transmission des procédures pénales [1] (ci-après le « Règlement ») vise « à favoriser une bonne administration de la justic…

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DORA's Balance: Smart Compliance for Investment Firms, Assets Managers and their Funds

he Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is enforceable from 17 January 2025. It introduces new legal obligations for EU financial entities to man…

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Nouvelle directive européenne sur le travail fourni par l’intermédiaire d’une plateforme numérique

Une nouvelle directive européenne 2024/2831 [1](la « Directive ») visant à réglementer le travail via plateforme numérique, un secteur en pleine expan…

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CSRD reporting - between challenges and opportunities

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EIOPA recommends introducing supplementary capital charges for fossil fuel-related stocks and bonds

On 7 November 2024, EIOPA issued its Report on the Prudential Treatment of Sustainability Risks, which assesses the potential for a dedicated prudenti…

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EU Commission adopted a DAC9 proposal to ease filing obligations under the Pillar Two directive

On 28 October 2024, the EU Commission put forward a directive proposal (the “DAC9 Proposal”) amending the Directive on administrative cooperation in t…

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Latest developments in Luxembourg’s CSRD implementation process: the final stretch?

Luxembourg’s Parliament recently amended the bill of law implementing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) into national law.

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Council of the EU finally agrees on VAT in the digital age package (VIDA)!

On 5 November 2024, the Council adopted new measures aimed at modernising the value added tax rules for the digital transition. The legislative packag…

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CMS Luxembourg renews its Management Board and announces new Managing Partner

International law firm CMS is pleased to announce the appointment of Vivian Walry as Managing Partner of its Luxembourg office, along with the appoint…

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New EU proposal to simplify Pillar 2 filing obligations for MNEs

On 28 October 2024, the EU Commission published a proposal to amend the directive on administrative cooperation in tax matters (DAC 9 proposal). The D…

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CSSF announces priority processing procedure for name changes and disclosure updates in light of adopted Guide…

The CSSF has informed market participants of the publication of Circular CSSF 24/863, thus implementing the ESMA Guidelines on funds’ names into the L…

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DSM Avocats à la Cour célèbre ses 20 ans

Cette année marque deux décennies d’engagement au service des clients de l’étude, guidée par les mêmes valeurs fondamentales : excellence, proximité, …

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