
Signature of the Mediation Charter by Wildgen

On this special forum organised by the International Association of Lawyers Mediation Commission with the support of the Mediation Centre for Civil and Commercial Affairs, Anne-Sophie Rust, Senior Associate at Wildgen Dispute and resolution department will sign the Mediation Charter in the presence of Félix Braz, Minister of Justice and Dr. Jan Kayser, Secretary General of the Mediation Centre for Civil and Commercial Affairs on 22 April 2016.

Mediation is a confidential and tailored method form of alternative dispute resolution offering a fast process to prevent litigation and facilitate the settlement of civil, commercial or social disputes without going to court, through active participation of a third party (an independent, neutral and competent mediator) who discusses and works closely with the parties in order to find solutions by mutual consent and make those in conflict agree on a fair result.

By signing the Mediation Charter, Wildgen declares symbolically it intention to involve its lawyers and assist its clients in the mediation process and recourse to this modern efficient and subsidiary dispute resolution method by committing its lawyers to the “mediation reflex” before going to court in order to avoid lengthy litigation proceedings.

Wildgen and the signing companies and organisations and the Mediation Centre for Civil and Commercial Affairs will also become partners in the field of alternative dispute resolution by way of mediation.
